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East Kent Centre Rules & General Information

All members attending an East Kent Rally are expected to observe the Rules of The Caravan Club and The East Kent Centre which have been prepared in the general interest and comfort of all members.

 1/ Only members of the Caravan Club are entitled to use the facilities of the Centre and attendance shall be deemed an acceptance of the rules.

2/ All persons attending rallies with the Centre do so entirely at their own risk. No responsibility for personal injury or loss of property however caused will be accepted by the Centre, its Officers and Committee members or by the Rally Marshals and Assistant Marshals.

3/ The authority for the conduct of the fixture shall be invested in the Rally Marshal or Assistant Marshal, who shall be responsible to the Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman or next senior Committee member present.

4/ Each member MUST report to the Rally Marshal before parking and must be prepared to substantiate his/her identity by producing his/her membership card if asked to do so.

5/ The siting of outfits shall be carried out in accordance with the direction of the Rally Marshal or Assistant Marshal.

6/ (a) Members must NOT arrive on site before the opening time stated in the handbook. Rally Marshals are instructed to forward names of early arrivals to the Centre Committee.

    (b) To qualify for a nightly charge for a particular day, members must arrive after 12 noon that day.

    (c) Any member attending before this time will be charged accordingly.

7/ SITE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT IS 5 MPH. Learner and unlicensed drivers must not use the site for practice.

8/ Your own sanitation will always be required. Facilities are provided for emptying toilets and waste water. DO NOT WASH OR FILL CHEMICAL TOILETS UNDER THE DRINKING WATER TAP.

9/ If your slip arrives late you will be welcome, but may not receive papers, social tickets or plaque. All fixtures attended with your own van will count towards your colours.

10/ REFUNDS. No refunds will be made for non attendance at rallies, except and only at the discretion of the Treasurer.

11/ In the event of a fixture being cancelled only those members who have applied to attend will be notified and at the same time informed of any alternative arrangements.

12/ ALL ANIMALS MUST BE kept on leads (not longer than 3 metres) and MUST NOT be allowed to foul the site.

13/ BALL GAMES must NOT be played near parked caravans.

14/ All fixture charges are payable in advance and remittance must be made payable to “The Caravan Club East Kent Centre”.

15/ (a) Bicycles must NOT be ridden on the site.

      (b) Mopeds or motorcycles may only be ridden from the official entrance of the site, directly to and from the caravan the rider is visiting.

      (c) Only one car per unit allowed into centre lines. Visitors and second cars must be parked as directed by the Rally Marshals.

16/ Charcoal barbecues can only be lit with the site owner’s permission, must not be less than 3 metres from flammable surfaces (1 metre for gas cookers and grills) and must be attended at all times by an adult.

17/ There is a ‘No Smoking’ policy at any East Kent indoor/under cover social.

18/ Unnecessary noise should be avoided at all times. In consideration of other ralliers and local residents private parties should cease at 11pm. Centre socials should also end at 11pm unless the Rally Marshal has asked the Committee for an extension.

19/ These rules are supplementary to the Code of Conduct laid down by the Caravan Club.

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Caravan Club

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Request from

The Treasurer