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What to Expect on a East Kent Centre Rally.

It is a gathering of Caravan Club members, for a weekend or holiday, to promote friendship and pursue many pleasures, pastimes and sport, in a light hearted manner and have fun along the way.  You should never feel obliged to join in anything which does not interest you. The Rally Marshal is an ordinary member, who has volunteered to organise and run the Rally. 

This usually includes arranging the Rally, signing the approach to the Rally field and organising competitions and entertainment for all ages. This may include a '’Social'’ on Saturday evening which is a family event, or a communal barbecue on the field in summer.  They will also arrange the water supply and facilities for the disposal of waste water and toilet emptying.

The starting times of Rallies is stated in the Handbook and this Web-Site.  This is to allow the Marshal sufficient time to prepare, so please do not arrive before this time.  On arrival at the field, drive up the  Marshal's van, usually the first on the field, where all will be revealed.  Please advise them if this is your first rally.  They will hand you an envelope containing the rally programme, and printed on the front your name and papers that you have ordered and need to be paid for on arrival.  Please place in front window of caravan.

Towards the end of the rally there is a Flagpole meeting.  This is where ralliers gather, usually near the Marshal's caravan, to hear the results of the competitions, Centre news, and extend thanks to those who made the rally possible, particularly the marshals, welcome visitors and new ralliers and announce forthcoming events, etc.  Usually tea and coffee is served. All you need in addition to items you would normally expect to take on a commercial site is your own toilet together with a water container to fill it. (toilets must NEVER be taken to the drinking tap, this is a serious health hazard) and waste bin for dry waste which you have to take home with you. Simple wooden wedges and packing are sometimes required on sloping fields.

The Rally Marshal will site you to ensure ample spacing between caravans, and the owners car is parked along the offside of the caravan.  If you have a second car or visitors with cars these must be parked in specified parking area.

Why not give it a try?  Don't forget we all rally for pleasure and aim to share this pleasure with you.